Thursday, August 13, 2009

Where will the money come from?

This rather direct question was not posed by people who wanted to know how we were going to finance our venture or how long were we going to be self employed. This was asked by Rishabh.

Rishabh is my 5 year old son.Like all 5 year olds of his generation he is observant, sharp and has a great sense of humor.On my 1st day at home, I sat him down and explained on how I was going to work from home.He quickly grasped the situation and asked me " Where will the money come from? for his weekly visits to the mall, for buying Ben 10 & Bakugan, for his computer games." Kids can be very direct and to the point. He was quick to understand the implication of me staying at home. I realised I had a lot to learn from my 5 year old.

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